Saturday 5 July 2008

Last Tuesday...

Last Tuesday I had a job interview at Topshop, which is not really the ideal graduate job, as I realised in the group interview when I was the oldest person there by an average of 4 years. Luckily, that extra 4 years of checking the Topshop website everyday and spending all of my university bank account on clothes worked in my favour and they offered me the job less than an hour after I walked out the door.  

Anyway, today was my first day/induction, which was nice, as my previous employers were more the sort to say 'hey Rach, know you haven't been here for 6 months and have never cashed up or closed shop before but I've gotta go so here are the keys and I'm sure you'll work it out.' I did lots of team-building things with the other newbies, had a tour, watched some very retro customer service videos and so on, but the most interesting thing by far was our chat with the visual merchandising girls, at the conclusion of which we had to construct a mood board of current trends. I don't think the two girls on my team were really into it, so I pretty much took over and instantly decided that I want to get onto the VM team... One of the girls goes back to uni in September so I will bide my time!  

Being the kind of person I am, I used the interview as an excuse to buy something new... which I will document when it is not twilight and I'm less haggard. 

I've decided that in an effort not to just settle into what my boyfriend lovingly described as 'a joke job' (which I totally object to and am actually so excited to start working properly) that I'm going to use my spare time to start a blog that documents style, literature, music and photography that I find attractive or interesting (pretending that this sort of thing isn't already totally ubiquitous among 20-something girls with a passing interest in the arts).

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