I want to step inside Lina Sheynius' sun-bleached, under-exposed, soft-focus world, where nothing matters except hanging out in my pool with a lingering sense of doom on the back of my mind.
I don't usually subscribe to the sleek, expensive Italian style, but the more I stare at this photo the more alluring I find the combination. A potentially boring classic outfit saved by a borderline bad taste wet look overload and the most perfect shoes in the world. I suspect they're Loubs but if anyone has any info on the shoes I seriously want to know.
I spent Friday afternoon wandering around Hampstead Heath, deciding what puppies we want to buy, looking at the ducks and other such super productive things. Our most important discussion was when we decided that adult treehouses definitely do exist, and that we will definitely be installing one as soon as we own a house with a garden bigger than 2 postage stamps. Amazon treehouses do the best ones by far!
Click above to listen to this track from the controversial Southerngold mix tape - Terry Urban basically mashing songs from the Santigold album with hip hop classics. Some are great and others are really bad. I recommend a listen if you can find it!
Amazing art direction and styling from (according to google translator) Musubi Aoki, who started with visual merchandising and interiors and now freelances as stylist, prop maker and creative director, amongst other things. There are about 100 more beautiful images on the site.